GOVERNING BODY (GB) (2024-2025)

Agenda–    To establish rules and regulations for institute

Objectives: –

  • 1) To establish staff selection criteria
  • 2) To establish proper admission criteria
  • 3) To set rules and regulations for faculty
  • 4) To set rules and regulations students 

                                       The meeting of governing body was conducted on 09/07/2024 at board room at 1:00 am. Criteria of staff selection was discussed during this meeting staff selection will be done PCI norms. Admission criteria and fee collection criteria was also established during meeting. Proper rules and regulations for the staff and student was established during this meeting.

 All objective points was successfully discussed in this meeting.

1Mr. Wani Adinath Balasaheb (President, Prasad Gramin Shikshan Sanstha’s)Chairman 
2Mr. Bhujadi Amit Babasaheb (Vice-President, Prasad Gramin Shikshan Sanstha’s)Member 
3Dr. Wani Dattatray Balasaheb (Secretory, Prasad Gramin Shikshan Sanstha’s)Member 
8Mrs. Kadu Parimal P (Representative Of Teacher)Member 
9Mrs. Sabale Komal S (Representative Of Teacher)Member 
10Dr Pawar Sandip A (Principal)Member Secretory 

Anti-ragging committee (2024-2025)

The meeting of the anti-ragging committee

For academic year 2024-25 was held on 09/07/2024 in principal office at 01.00 pm to discuss the agenda

Sr. NoNameDesignationSign
1Dr. Pawar sandip ashok (principal)Chairman 
2 Mrs. Kadu parimal p. (representative of teacher)Member-secretory 
3Mrs. Bramhane varsha m. (representative of teacher)Member 
4Mr. Avhad saheb (police constable)Member 
5Dr. Rahane anil ramakrushna (media representative)Member 
6Mr. Narode sharad changdev (social worker)Member 
7Mr. Kolse kiran bhagwan (parents representative)Member 
8Mr. Gagare Amol j (non-teaching)Member 
9Mrs. Neeta sonawane (rector, ladies hostel)Member 
10Mr. Gadekar mahesh dattatray (rector, boys hostel)Member 
11Miss. Walke tanisha d. (girls representative)Member 
12Mr. Ubale ashish arun (boys representative)Member 

                              The meeting of the college discipline and anti- ragging committee member for academic year 2024-25 was sharply started at 01.00 pm to disuses following agenda


  -To review the case of ragging of any student

  -To guide the day scholar students about anti-ragging

  -Guidance to hosteller students

  -Any other relevant subject at the time of meeting 


     Since there is on matter of complaint either from the member of staff during the session

Since there were no other matter to discuss the meeting ended with vote of thanks and regard to all the member present


1Mr. Wani Adinath Balasaheb (President, Prasad Gramin Shikshan Sanstha’s)  President
2Dr. Wani Dattatray Balasaheb (Secretory, Prasad Gramin Shikshan Sanstha’s)Secretary
3Mrs. Parimal Pramod Kadu (Senior Teacher, Wani College of Pharmacy)Senior Teacher
4Mrs. Bhangade Shital Mahesh (Social worker, Gram Panchayat Ganegaon)Social worker
5Mrs. Kobarne Sunita Ashok  Social worker, Gram Panchayat Ganegaon)Social worker
6Mrs. Kobarne Ranjana Shankar (Asha Swayam Sevika Ganegaon)  Medical Representation
7Mrs. Archana Dattatray Wani (Trustee, Prasad Gramin Shikshan Sanstha’s)Advisor
8Mr. Babanish Shelke (Advocate)Guider For Laws
9Mr. Mohnish Shelke (Advocate)Guider For Laws of Protection
10Mrs. Mangal Sanjay JagdhaneMothers Representative
11Mrs. Sunita Babasaheb TaksalMothers Representative
12Miss. Sayali Shankar ShindeGirls Representative
13Miss. Arshin Galib PathanGirls Representative
14All Teaching And Non-Teaching Ladies StaffMembers


Agenda– To discuss the complaints regarding sexual harassment

Following member were present for the meeting

1Dr Pawar Sandip APrincipal 
2Mrs. Kadu Parimal PLadies Representative 
3Mr. Jori Devram KTeacher Representative 
4Mrs.Brahamne Varsha MLadies Representative 
5Mrs. Sabale Komal SLadies Representative 
6Ms. Kolse Pooja BLadies Representative 


1)To discuss complaint regarding sexual harassment

2)To equip the female students, faculty and staff member with     knowledge of their legal rights 

3) To motivate female student, faculty and staff for their self defence


The meeting of women’s grievance committee was started at 03.00 pm 

 The meeting was arranged to discuss the agenda of the meeting already mentioned

The committee noted that no complaint of sexual harassment has been received from any person of the institute Chairperson conveyed her thanks to the members for attending the meeting and the members agreed that the committee will meet on a situation of any complaint occurs and on mentioned date and time

Meeting ended with vote of thanks of chairperson


                  No complaints of sexual harassment have been received

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